New Recycling Bins


By: Jessica Schaefer

Metroparks mascot Boggs the leopard frog is featured on new blue recycling bins installed throughout the park system. This project was spearheaded by the Metroparks Green Team, an interdepartmental task force focused on improving environmental stewardship, and was funded in part by a grant from Recycle Ohio. The new bins will provide more opportunities for park visitors to recycle waste on-site and are expected to divert millions of cans and bottles from the landfill annually.

Be like Boggs! Put your empty bottles and cans in the blue bins. Lids may be screwed onto bottles for recycling. Please do not put loose lids in the bins.

This project was funded in part by a grant from Ohio EPA through their Recycle Ohio program.

Warm Up and Recycle with Boggs

Boggs Recycling on the Run

Recycle Ohio Logo Web Color 700x350.jpg

Boggs Cycles and Recycles

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