Park People: Chris and Randy Haar


Chris and Randy Haar
Bowling Green 

How do you lend a hand at Metroparks?
We volunteer mostly in a number of areas. Kim High inspired us to lead Spring Wildflower walks at Oak Openings, we will be doing our 8th year this spring – signups are open on the Metroparks website. We also participate in the Adopt A Natural Area program working with LaRae Sprow. We work in a remarkable area at Oak Openings and feel very fortunate every time we work there. Randy also volunteers as a member of the rare plant monitoring team at both Wildwood and Oak Opening. 

How long have you volunteered at Metroparks?
Since 2012 

Why do you give back to your community?
We understand how critical it is to perform proper stewardship activities such as invasive removal in natural areas. 

Why do you volunteer at Metroparks?
We love to share our passion of plants with park visitors during our wildflower walks and we love working with the fantastic Metroparks staff and volunteers.

Your favorite park, trail or activity at Metroparks?
The oak barrens area that we work in at the corner of Wilkins and Reed is breathtaking. 

What would people be surprised to know about you?
We met at Folk Dancing while we were students at the University of Toledo. 

What is the best thing (or some of the best things) about volunteering at Metroparks?
We love to see the difference we make in our Adopt A Natural Area site.

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