Park People: Katharin Mason-Wolf


Katharin Mason-Wolf
Columbus OH

How do you lend a hand at Metroparks?
Rare plant monitoring, roving interpreter, garden keepers 

How long have you volunteered at Metroparks?
I have volunteered with the Metroparks for 9 years   

Why do you give back to your community?
I think it’s a great way to meet like-minded people and continue learning new things.

Why do you volunteer at Metroparks?
I enjoy spending time with fellow volunteers and I always learn something new from both fellow volunteers and park visitors

Your favorite park, trail or activity at Metroparks?
I especially love to monitor the rare plants at sites in the Oak Openings Corridor.

What would people be surprised to know about you?
I work for the State of Iowa as a computer programmer.

What is the best thing (or some of the best things) about volunteering at Metroparks?
Spending time with fellow volunteers and the great staff!

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