Nature Walks

Students will explore the wonders of the natural world through an interpreter-led walk. Travel through diverse ecosystems and engage your sense of hearing, sight and sometimes touch. The plants, animals and signs of the seasons will change throughout the year.

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Ohio Learning Standards:

Kindergarten: K.LS.1, K.LS.2

1st Grade: 1.LS.1, 1.LS.2

2nd Grade: 2.LS.1, 2.LS.2

3rd Grade: 3.LS.1, 3.LS.2, 3.LS.3

4th Grade: 4.LS.1, Human Systems 12

5th Grade: 5.LS.1, 5.LS.2

7th Grade: 7.LS.1, 7.LS.2

8th Grade: 8.LS.1, 8.ESS.3

High School: B.DI.1 (Species Diversity); B.DI.2 (Carrying Capacity); B.DI.3 (Invasive species); ENV.ER.5 (Ecosystems)

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