
Ice Skating

Come to one of the coolest spots in town.

Looking for a place to lace up your skates and enjoy nature in her winter beauty?

All Metroparks ice is “enter at your own risk.” Ice on Pearson Lake and Mallard Lake at Oak Openings Preserve are open for skating when ice is at least 6 inches thick.  

Ice Skate at Glass City Metropark

The Ribbon, supported by the Hylant Family Foundation, is a 1,000 foot loop trail featuring rolling hills and soft curves for a uniquely Metroparks winter ice skating experience. The Ribbon is connected to a 5,000 square foot skating pond that offers a traditional ice rink experience for beginners and a series of special events and programs.

Ice skating is available throughout the cold weather season with the inaugural skating season set to open in November 2023 through February 2024. Admissions and skate rental will be available at the Market Hall building located near The Ribbon.

Ice Skating at Oak Openings Preserve

Mallard Lake at Oak Openings Preserve is also a popular ice skating destination (daytime only).

Ice Skating at Pearson

At Pearson, lights have been added near the lake so you can continue ice skating even after the sun sets. Pearson is open until 8 p.m. every day when conditions are right for skating.

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