Community to Help Create Art at Glass City

A glass-themed art installation is planned for Glass City Metropark, and the community is invited to be part of its creation.
Community Engagement Event Round 2
Thursday, November 17th, 4 to 7 p.m.
Metroparks Toledo and The Arts Commission will host a second event on Thursday, November 17, 4 to 7 p.m. at Glass City Metropark to inform the incoming art piece, Field of Histories, to be installed by late 2023. The piece is being created by artist Bryony Roberts who was selected from five finalists following a call to artists from all over the country in the winter of 2021.
Glass City Metropark is at 983 Front Street in East Toledo. There will be family activities in the park that day as well.
Download the details [PDF].
Project Description
The piece is being created by artist Bryony Roberts who was selected from five finalists following a call to artists from across the country. It is being funded privately by the Metroparks Toledo Foundation.
Field of Histories will consist of 175 glass orbs on posts, in which significant objects provided from the community will be scanned and laser engraved inside.
The project will also link to an online catalog of audio or written recordings of personal histories gathered at the event.
Community members are invited to bring up to two objects that have personal significance and that represent part of the history of Toledo – objects that express a unique story about the history of the Glass City, or capture some of the cultural experiences of a neighborhood.
These could be objects from the industrial history of glass manufacturing or a decorative object particular to a family or cultural community, or a homemade object. Of particular interest are objects that represent stories about Toledo that haven’t been told yet, and that help this project reflect the full breadth of experiences in the Glass City.
“Field of Histories” will offer a destination for exploring the past, present, and future of glass in Toledo through an immersive public art piece that is integrated into the landscape.
Event Details
Community members can bring up to two objects of personal significance to be considered for inclusion in the Field of Histories installation. Participants will allow volunteers and staff of The Arts Commission and Metroparks Toledo to handle and photograph their object and record (in writing or audio recording) information about the object provided by each participant. Some objects submitted and recorded may not be included in the final project.
Object Criteria:
- No taller than 16 inches
- No bigger than 12” wide or 12” long
- Rigid objects made of a hard material (such as glass, metal, ceramic, concrete, plastic, or wood)
- No soft objects made of materials such as fabrics, paper, plants, or food