Fit Park Ride Challenges Cyclists at Oak Openings

Sunday, noon to 2 p.m.
FitPark Ride Grand Opening
Oak Openings Beach Ridge Area
3520 Waterville Swanton Road (SR64), Swanton
Experience the new mountain bike skills course, sponsored by Mercy Health. Twenty-one obstacles, such as Roller Coaster, Teeter-Totter and Snake Ladder, help cyclists prepare for the types of challenges they might encounter on the nearby Beach Ridge Singletrack and other mountain bike trails. Local bike shops will be there with bikes to borrow. Music by a DJ, free ice cream for the first 100 and food truck.
Build Your Skills on Two Wheels
Metroparks Toledo and Mercy Health opened the third in a series of FitPark outdoor activity centers, a bicycle skills course at the Beach Ridge Area at Oak Openings Preserve
FitPark Ride has 21 obstacles for cyclists to conquer, such as a teeter-totter, roller coaster, snake ladder, mountain top and other challenges that are similar to what they will encounter on mountain bike trails.
FitPark Ride is another reason to visit the Beach Ridge Area, which includes a 12-mile singletrack bike trail, the Wheelhouse indoor event center and the future Cannaley Treehouse Village.
“FitParks are examples of Metroparks and Mercy Health’s commitment to providing new and fun ways to get outdoors and stay active,” said Dave Zenk, Metroparks Toledo executive director. “Judging by the early response from trail riders, FitPark Ride is going to be a tremendous attraction at the Beach Ride Area, which is fast becoming a regional destination for outdoor adventure.
The Mercy Health Foundation is donating $100,000 a year for five years to fund the purchase and installation of FitParks. Each unique FitPark provides healthy, free or low-cost outdoor recreation opportunities. The first FitPark, with exercise equipment, opened last year at Wildwood Preserve. FitPark Paddle, opened just a few weeks ago, includes a kayak concession at Farnsworth, a kayak landing at Side Cut and the region’s first “kayak share” at Howard Marsh, where users can reserve a boat using their smartphone.
“For more than 163 years, Mercy Health has been committed to providing our community the highest quality of care within our facilities. Our partnership with Metroparks Toledo builds on that commitment to help area residents be well,” said Bob Baxter, president of Toledo Market. “With three FitParks available and more to come, Mercy Health is proud to play a role in making health and fitness fun.