Immerse Yourself in History Aug. 20 at the Fallen Timbers Battlefield


Take a walk through history on the very ground where it was made, Sunday, August 20 at Fallen Timbers Battlefield Metropark.

The Fallen Timbers Battlefield Preservation Commission will commemorate the 223rd anniversary of the battle that helped shape American history. Historical interpreters in period uniforms will be stationed along the Northwest Territory Trail to describe the events that transpired on the site in 1794.

Starting at 2 p.m., meet General Anthony Wayne, Lt. Governor of Canada Simcoe, Tecumseh, Simon Girty, Eleanor Lytle McKillip, Major William Campbell and others who will tell personal stories about the Battle and its aftermath. 

Register at the site beginning at 1:30 p.m. at the battlefield Visitor’s Center, 4949 Jerome Road, Maumee.

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