Kate's Gift to 'Help Keep the Parks Nice'


For Christmas, Jennifer Hildebrand gave each of her three children a choice: Envelopes marked Spend, Save and Give. All three kids picked the Give envelopes, which contained $50.

Colleen, 8, donated her gift to the Toledo Area Humane Society “to take care of animals.” Owen, 11, hasn’t made up his mind yet. And Kate, 9, thought of the places she enjoys -- the Metroparks.

“I got this money for Christmas and I want to give it to you to help keep the parks nice,” Kate said in a card accompanying her gift. “I love going to all the different parks with my family.”

Dave Zenk, executive director, was replying to recent donations when he came across Kate’s card.

“This is what it’s all about,” Zenk said. “We will use Kate’s donation as she wishes, and we are thrilled that we made an impression on her. She certainly made an impression on me.”

The family visited Wildwood Preserve recently and met with Matt Cleland, deputy director, who thanked Kate for thinking of Metroparks.

Jennifer Hildebrand said she and her kids frequently visit the parks, where they enjoy the playgrounds and attending programs. Recently, the Waterville family discovered the new nature playscape at Oak Openings Preserve.

* About those other two envelopes: Jennifer said she was so pleased that all three children chose the Give envelope that she let them keep the Spend and Save envelopes, too. 

Photos: Top, Kate, front, with her brother, Owen, and sister, Colleen, at Oak Openings. Below: Kate with Deputy Director Matt Cleland in the Manor House courtyard at Wildwood.


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