Metroparks Outdoor Challenge, Saturday, September 28

Click Here for the Outdoor Challenge Results
Give your best at the Metroparks Outdoor Challenge, Saturday, September 28. You tried it at the Outdoor Expo, you refined skills at our programs, now it's time to put your skills to the test.
Compete in a solo category or in teams of four to six (4-6) with family, friends or co-workers in all of your favorite Metroparks activities: tree climbing, archery, canoeing, fire building, biking, geocaching and more! Each activity has puzzles, trivia or physical challenges with different point levels. Collect as many points as possible to win your category or become the overall champion. You will have three (3) hours to complete the challenge.
Each team that shows up in a team uniform will get an extra 100 points at the registration table. (You will want your uniforms/costumes to be tree climbing and archery friendly, or easy to remove quickly for any activity.)
Solo category includes:
- Speed Climb: Reach the horn as fast as possible. 75 points
- Cyclocross: Navigate a cyclocross course where riders will encounter a myriad of obstacles along the way. 100 points
- Archery Biathlon: You will get 3 practice shots and then must run a set course, shoot an arrow, and hit a small target. The archer will have a set time from the time they reach the shooting line to release their arrow. 100 points
- Kayak Scavenger Hunt: You will have an on-land game board that must be solved to receive the points. The pieces to match to the game board will be distributed in the lake. 75 points
- Fire building: Build a fire strong enough to burn through twine suspended above the flames. Be sure to practice your fire building skills, however. Your supplies are limited and you have to start it with a magnesium striker. 75 points
September 28
Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Oak Openings Preserve, Buehner Center
Four categories, Four to Six Participants per team:
- Youth Team (must have 2 non-participating adult captains) [Register]
- Family Team (ages 8 and up must have two members under the age of 14 to quality) [Register]
- Adult Team [Register]
- New! Solo Category (Adults and 16+, or Ages 8-15 with Adult Coach (non-participating) or Adult Solo Competitor) [Register]
Registration fee is $20 per team member (pre-registration only). Registration fee includes competition entry and food.
Packets can be picked up on Saturday morning 8 to 9 a.m.
Challenge starts at 9:30 a.m. sharp. After party starts at 12:30 p.m. and Awards at 1 p.m.
Challenge starts at 9:30 a.m. sharp. After party starts at 12:30 p.m. Awards at 1:00 p.m.