Nature at Night Fest

Celebrate all things nocturnal at this family-friendly event featuring activities inspired by our favorite creatures of the night.
- Learn all about bats. Find out how they hunt, make your own origami bat, learn how to use a bat detector, and practice your bat skills by doing a “bat hang” on our new climbing rig.
- Dance like a firefly. Did you know each firefly species has its own flash rhythm? Find your rhythm at our firefly “flash” dance, a family-friendly silent disco. Put on a pair of headphones, choose your favorite playlist, and find other “fireflies” dancing to the same beat.
- Complete challenges to see how your skills and senses stack up to our native nocturnal wildlife. Can you climb our mobile rock wall like a flying squirrel? Identify objects by touch like a raccoon? Pick up scents like a fox?
Enjoy all of these activities and more.
Pearson, Tennis Court Shelter/Parking Lot #5
Saturday, October 5, 5 to 8 p.m.
No Reservations Required, FREE