Park People: John and Abby Flahie

John and Abby Flahie
Monclova. John has lived in the Toledo area his whole life, but Abby moved here from the Chicago area in 1972.
How do you lend a hand at Metroparks?
Volunteer Trail Patrol and varied stewardship projects like Invasive species, clean-up projects, and special events.
How long have you volunteered at Metroparks?
Perhaps 25 years. We have been in VTP since it began in 2003 for John and 2004 for Abby.
Why do you give back to your community?
We recognize that in the parks we have such a treasure that benefits one's quality of life. Since we have health, time and ability to pitch in, we do. As usual, in these times of giving, we receive much more in return.
Why do you volunteer at Metroparks?
We recognize that in the parks we have such a treasure that benefits one's quality of life. Since we have health, time and ability to pitch in, we do. As usual, in these times of giving, we receive much more in return.
Your favorite park, trail or activity at Metroparks?
Our favorite park is Oak Openings. We like to experience the vast and varied natural features that it offers. Additionally, we live adjacent to the Wabash bike path. We use it daily (running, walking or biking) enhancing our physical and mental health.
What would people be surprised to know about you?
People may be surprised that our wedding gifts to each other in 1972 were bicycles. We still ride often albeit on newer, better bikes. We've traveled to all 50 states and biked in many of them. Whether we take our own bikes or rent some, it's a great way to see new places.
What is the best thing (or some of the best things) about volunteering at Metroparks?
Meeting new, interesting, and motivated people. Metroparks bring out the best in us all.