Park People: Penny Niday


Penny A. Niday
Seed Nursery Coordinator

Grew up in Wellington, Ohio and now reside in Swanton, Ohio

First Job
Cashier at a grocery store

Achievement you are most proud of, career or other
One of my more memorable achievements was volunteering for Habitat for Humanity.  My dad had taught me how to hang drywall, so I utilized those skills in Chicago renovating an apartment building.  I was fortunate enough to meet the family that would be living there.  The feeling of knowing that I was helping others is something I will never forget.

Dream Trip
Cheyenne Frontier Days in Wyoming and any other rodeo scene in the west.

Notable pet
As a gift for my 13th birthday, I was given a Siamese kitten.  I named him Cricket.  We grew up together and formed a bond that I will always cherish.

What is something few know about you?
I love a good ghost story and go ghost hunting with my sister.

What brought you to Metroparks?
My degree in Restoration Ecology and my love of plants and insects.

Your favorite park visited?
Findley State Park in Wellington, Ohio, where I grew up.  I have a lot of family memories there.  My dad and brother taught me to fish and my mom shared her love of nature with me.  We had many family picnics and often went swimming in the lake.


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