Park People: Perrysburg Moving and Hauling and Kevin Rantanen

Kevin was an adventurous ten-year-old. On his hikes at Oak Openings he was intrigued by the colored markers at the trailhead. Often he would start on one trail, then switch at the fork when he saw another color. During one hike, Kevin got lost in big Oak Openings. But the experience was not bad, because this is when he stumbled into the Oak Openings sand dunes. He said that “he thought that he was in another world!” Never before had he seen nature so vast, and so untouched.
This childhood experience triggered his love for nature, which has inspired every phase of his life. As a teen, Kevin hit the bike trails and would ride from his house to Side Cut then hop on the Towpath - he would bike for hours! When Kevin started to look for a wife, his profile page on the dating site said “likes walking, hiking and picnicking in the Metroparks.” And it worked! His now wife, Melanie, was attracted to Kevin’s post and the rest is history! From this union they have a beautiful daughter, Elliana, who is now four years old.
Just like her daddy, Elliana loves the Metroparks, but her interest and nature experiences are different from his. She enjoys the signature nature-themed playgrounds and plays with her daddy for hours at her favorite park, Swan Creek. They naturally bond climbing the nets to get to the double hill slide. Kevin said “kids that haven’t experienced a Metropark playground are really missing out.”
Now Kevin is the owner of Perrysburg Moving and Hauling. Because he has always been an environmentalist and nature conservator, he was inspired to incorporate his passion by adopting the bee as his company logo.
Kevin said that “bees are very important for our ecosystem and for agriculture. They play a crucial role in pollinating flowers. My logo is a constant reminder of the importance of providing a safe place for even the insects, and this is why I supported Metroparks Toledo. Metroparks has a mission that conserves our environment."
Kevin also supports because he believes that Metroparks Toledo is a good steward of the money he donates - and provides access to vast natural areas in northwest Ohio.