Park People: Srini and Kamala Srinivasan

Srini and Kamala Srinivasan
Metropark Members and Donors
Srini and Kamala Srinivasan met 8,000 miles away in their home country of India. Memories of home are what draw them to special places in Metroparks.
Srini, a retired architectural engineer, and Kamala, a retired ESL teacher, started their professional careers more than 40 years ago when the married and moved to Toledo. The former Crosby Garden became their special together place, because it had aspects that reminded them of their home in India. They both loved the garden’s beauty, selection of plants and tranquility. Although Toledo Botanical Garden continues to be their together place, they each have their own Metropark favorite.
Kamala especially enjoys the grace and elegance of the Manor House. The formal garden, concerts on the front lawn and the teas are her favorites. They all remind her of home where the ladies clubs would serve freshly brewed teas in beautiful china cups.
The Manor House is what makes Wildwood special to Kamala, but the walks on the trail with the family’s canine friend, Sumo, is what has made Wildwood special to Srini. On their daily walks, Sumo enjoyed rubbing noses and socializing with other canines. Regardless of the weather, Srini and Sumo never missed their walk date.
The Srinivasans lost their canine friend a few years ago. They wanted a way to remember Sumo and the place that he enjoyed so much, so the Srinivasans gave a gift to replace all of the damaged and aging dog waste stations at Wildwood. Their gift in Sumo’s memory help to keep Wildwood clean for our community to enjoy.
The Srinivasans said, “we continue to support Metroparks because we believe in the mission. The parks are important in our community and for the next generation. That’s why we’re especially proud to support Connections Camps because our dollars give kids real nature experiences in a Metropark. We need green space and special places for people to relax, play and enjoy.
We are proud to be partners with Metroparks.”