Park People: Tricia Cassidy

Tricia Cassidy
Waterville, Ohio
How do you lend a hand at Metroparks?
Trail patrol and Special events, learning to be a VTP.
How long have you volunteered at Metroparks?
I have been a Metroparks Volunteer for two years.
Why do you give back to your community?
I love the Metroparks and want to make sure they stay clean and safe.
Why do you volunteer at Metroparks?
I love being outdoors and being with people.
Your favorite park, trail or activity at Metroparks?
My favorite park is Sidecut, the River Trail.
What would people be surprised to know about you?
I live on the river so know first-hand about flooding and ice storms.
What is the best thing (or some of the best things) about volunteering at Metroparks?
The people, definitely the people, everyone is so helpful and friendly.