Side Cut Kid's Club


Side Cut Kids Club

Side Cut, Silver Lake parking lot
Wednesdays, September 4 through October 2, 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Paddle a canoe, cast a line climb a tree and more at this afterschool club for adventure seeking 8 to 12 year olds. Sessions meet weekly on Wednesdays at Side Cut. Same time, same location each week. All equipment is provided and registration includes all five sessions. This is a drop-off program, dress for the weather and bring a reusable water bottle filled with water. Reservations Required, register for the September 4 program only. Fee: $75

  • September 4 - Canoeing
  • September 11 - Archery
  • September 18 - Fishing
  • September 25 - Survival Skills
  • October 2 - Tree Climbing




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