Virtual Fall Archery Tournament (2024)

Virtual Fall Archery Tournament (16+ and Adults)
Westwinds, 3D Course
November 2 through 9, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Reservations Required, FREE
Come out for some fall fun and test your skills on the 3D course at our only public archery park. Shoot from two platforms, a boat, and more! Anyone with their own archery equipment is welcome to participate. 16 yrs and up. 3 categories: Recurve, compound, and crossbow. Shoot the 3D Course and keep score to compete for prizes! Prizes include Metroparks Merch, frozen turkeys and Archery accessories.
- Please adhere to all park rules and archery safety rules.
- Categories: Please shoot from the set distances for your category. Pin colors correspond to category (distance) Recurve orange, compound white, crossbow green.
- 1st place in each category receives a prize.
- One submission per person. Submissions must be posted on the Westwinds Facebook page by 8:00pm on Saturday, November 9th and include category and score.
- Must shoot during park open hours (sunrise to sunset).
- Scoring: Best of 3 shots, limbs(arms and legs) do not count as a score. Shoot every target at each station. 13 stations and 30 targets total.