Natives of the Maumee Valley

Living in Northwest Ohio, the Natives of the Maumee Valley relied on the land's resources for survival. Learn about trading, clothing, style, work, play, and other aspects of daily life and culture on the Ohio frontier

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Ohio Learning Standards:

4th Grade: Historical thinking and skills 1, 2, Heritage 3, 6, Place and regions 10

5th Grade: Human systems 7, 8, Scarcity 15

6th Grade: Historical thinking and skills 1, Civic participation and skills 9, Economic decision making and skills 12

7th Grade: Historical thinking and skills 1, Spatial thinking and skills 12, Human systems 13, 15, Scarcity 20

8th Grade: Historical thinking and skills 1, Colonization to independence 2, 3, Expansion 10, 11, Human systems 17, Economic decision making and skills 24

High School: Historical thinking and skills 1, 2, 3

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