
Radio Station WOHO Tower Light

Location 125

Date: 1954

Owner: John Pavlica, Jr

AM Radio Station WOHO, Toledo, broadcast on 1470 KHz from the summer of 1954 until September 2016. The four large red and white radio towers were downed in the Summer of 2019. This item was what was left of one of the flashing red beacon lights on one of the towers before the bulldozers took away the four towers and the "Broadcast House" studios at 2965 Pickle Road in what was originally Oregon Township. These four towers could be seen flashing while you drove on the original "Detroit-Toledo Expressway" which later became I-280. WOHO was one of Toledo's Top 40 stations with personalities on the air 24/7 (except for maintenance). The station had a tremendous following in East Toledo. One of their most famous DJ's was the "Mo Jo Man" - the 1960's equivalent of a Fun Howard Stern of the day. People would actually walk-up to look into the window of the Pickle Road studio. The station also featured the "Carol Tree" Xmas tree which had lights dance to the music broadcast over WOHO. In addition to Toledo Hockey Games, they also had a call-in show called "RAP" The station was the last Toledo radio station to broadcast Detroit Tiger games, When WOHO went away, so did Tiger Baseball. So this is a last physical item of the memories of the great radio station on 1470 with it's 1000 watts of power and the great music and fantastic live local DJ's of WOHO radio.

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