
Narcan Nasal Spray

Location 24

Date: 2021

Owner: Courtney Stewart

Everyone Can Be a First Responder. Northwest Ohio Syringe Series was founded in 2017 to combat the growing opioid crisis. In 2018, we started Chalk the Walk, (on International Overdose Awareness Day 8/31) to honor those we've lost to an opioid overdose. In 2021, the event was held here at the Glass City Metropark. On this day, local artists and community members created a public art memorial on the sidewalks of this park. Also on this date, 8/31/21, the Northwest Ohio Syringe Services program introduced their first mobile unit, which distributes Narcan to the community at no cost. Narcan is a benign medication that reverses an opioid overdose. Thousands of these sprays are distributed each year by Northwest Ohio Syringe Services. Here in East Toledo, we continue to see some of the highest overdose numbers. We need to continue to create awareness, break stigma, and promote Narcan.

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