
1977 Fisher Price Music Box

Location 37

Date: 1977

Owner: Aly Sterling

I am submitting my beloved 1977 vintage Fisher-Price wind-up music box that plays Disney's It's a Small World After All. My grandparents gave this to me when I was five years old, after my first trip to Disney World. Over the years, as a young family, we would travel together to Disney many times, and I think of those trips fondly. This is one of the most treasured relics of my past. Not only does it remind me of my grandparents Ray and Marie, who felt it necessary to change my grandfather's ethnic last name so as not to be discriminated against, but it also reminds me of one of my grandmother's four brothers, Arthur Miller. Uncle Art was a technician in the Research, Engineering and Development department at the Dura Glass Center at Owens Illinois (1950- 1984). I remember vividly touring his work site when I was young and bright eyed. He stood tall, proud as ever, wearing his white lab coat and safety glasses, sharing with me all that he did to make a living. Like so many others, he held a small but important role, ensuring Toledo's distinction as Glass Capital of the World. It's a world of laughter, a world of tears. It's a world of hopes and a world of fears. There's so much that we share that it's time we're aware. It's a small world after all.

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