

Begin your treasure hunt outdoors for geocaches. There are dozens of geocaches waiting to be found around Toledo–some are even hiding in your Metroparks.

Download the geocaching app on your device to start searching today, here's how:

1. Download the Geocaching app for iOS or AndroidThere is a free version available. In-app purchases are applicable if you want to search for certain advanced caches.
2. Create an account. Allow the app to access your device’s location (this is required).
3. You’re ready to play! Scroll around the map to find the geocaches available in your area. Select a cache and click “start” to begin. Be sure to read the description and hints before you start searching!
4. Have questions? Check out the Geocaching 101 page on

The game of geocaching involves finding a physical container. You may wish to bring hand sanitizer on your adventure.

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