11,284 lbs. of Venison Donated to Charities

Metroparks Toledo donated 11,284 lbs. of ground venison from this season’s deer management program to three agencies who feed local people in need: Cherry Street Mission, Holy Trinity Catholic Parish in Assumption and Family House in Toledo. All donations were coordinated through Cherry Street.

The meat is from the 2017-2018 deer management season, which has now concluded for the season. Under the plan, the Ohio Division of Wildlife authorized Metroparks to remove up to 285 deer from seven parks.

About Deer Management in the Metroparks

Between December 5 and January 25, a total of 240 deer were culled from six parks by marksmen from USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services and Metroparks rangers.

Metroparks Natural Resources Dept. considers the season to be an overwhelming success.

Culling results by park:

Side Cut & Fallen Timbers Battlefield – 106

Swan Creek – 64

Oak Openings - 50

Wildwood – 19

Middlegrounds -1

Total - 240

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