Conversations with Metroparks Master Interpreter

Feeling a bit isolated? A meaningful dialogue about nature or history might be just the remedy. Make an appointment at 419-467-8291 to discuss any of the below topics by phone with Metroparks Master Interpreter. Lasting from 10 minutes to ½ hour based on your schedule, these conversations might give you some ideas to help you enjoy the great outdoors in and around your locality!

  • Metroparks Eco-Region Favorite Places and Trails. Learn more about the 3 major eco-regions that you can visit at Metroparks Toledo, and some of the naturalist’s favorite trails to take at them.
  • Bird-speak! What common birds might you be seeing and hearing in your locale, which ones migrate, why do they sing, and how can we attract and protect them? Questions such as these can be addressed.
  • Chasing Spring! This dialogue will evolve around what signs of spring are bursting forth this week, and where there are some great places to look for them?
  • Metroparks History: The New, Old and In Between: Your Metroparks resonate with almost 100 years of history, and yet there are so many new sites emerging. Enjoy a discussion that helps put it all in perspective!
  • Introducing Forest Therapy. Learn more about how natural places can help alleviate health conditions like inflammation, stress, insomnia and high blood pressure. Let our Certified Forest Therapy Guide answer these questions and offer some tips.


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