Groundhog Day: Programs Celebrate Winter’s Halftime

February 2 marks a favorite holiday at Metroparks: Groundhog Day!
This calendar date is strategically situated at exactly half-way between the official first day of winter and first day of spring, so the folklore surrounding decisions made by our furry forecaster is purely a matter of perspective. If our groundhog, Wildwood Will, casts a shadow, six more weeks of winter is in store, but if none is cast, spring is just around the corner. It’s the typical, glass half-empty, glass half-full scenario.
That being said, mid-winter is certainly a terrific time to come out to Metroparks and enjoy some light-hearted wildlife programming complete with stories of both fact and fiction; some favorite, tasty groundhog snacks; and a stroll into typical groundhog habitat.
Join the celebration at 10 a.m. February 2 at Metroparks Hall in Wildwood Preserve. Register online for the free event, or by calling 419-407-9701.
Thursday at 10 at Oak Openings Preserve, Tales and Trails, a weekly program for preschoolers, toddlers and their guardians, will include story time, a walk and nature craft with a Groundhog theme. The cost is just $3. Register online.
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