Librarian Picks Books Focused on Spring Fun

Recommended reading on nature-related topics from librarians at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library.
First Notes of Spring
By: Jessica Kulekjian
Forest animals stirring from their winter homes and hibernation make a variety of noises to welcome spring.
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Spring Parade
By: Camelia Kay
"Here comes Spring! March along with Mama and Baby Bunny as they welcome a festive parade of budding flowers and blossoming trees, new birds, butterflies and bees, and all of their beloved friends, emerging from the winter season." -- dust jacket.
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Groundhog Gets it Wrong
By: Jessica Townes
Groundhog is shocked and a bit ashamed when he discovers that he doesn’t have innate weather-predicting gifts—especially when his mis-forecast ruins the spring carnival. First, he tries fixing his mistake, but when shoveling up the snow and hosing it away turns out to cause more problems, he realizes that the only way to truly fix his mistake might just be to literally learn his meteorological lessons.
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On a Snow-Melting Day: Seeking Signs of Spring
By: Buffy Silverman
In the early days of spring when the snow begins to melt, plants and animals stir to life. High-impact photos and simple, rhyming text make for an engaging read-aloud while back matter offers more detail about each of the creatures featured in this celebration of spring's arrival.
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The Self-Care Year
By: Allison Davies
The Self-Care Year reveals how to re-connect with your body and mind and engage with your surroundings, how to slow down, live in tune with the seasons, and pay attention to the present moment.
Each season is different and special, bountiful and beautiful in its own unique way. The book is divided into spring, summer, autumn and winter and covers how you can harness the changing seasons and take inspiration from the natural world, with bite-sized self-care practices, projects and mind and body exercises for each chapter.
Offering tips and rituals for better sleep, yoga positions, breathing and meditation exercises, as well as simple craft projects and seasonal affirmations, this book is for those who are seeking a slower pace and want to carve out quiet, mindful moments in their lives. Whether you're a lover of the first buds of spring, a summer sun worshipper, a fan of the autumn leaves as the year turns or a winter wonderland devotee, there is something for everyone.
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Spring Cleaning the Mess for a Stronger Mental Health
By: Alexis Carney
Like your home, your mind also needs a spring cleaning of some sort every now and then. This concept is what this book explains and teaches. If you learn to filter and remove the clutter that has accumulated over time from trauma then we can grow, heal, and develop into happier and more successful versions of ourselves. Our mind accumulates a lot of negative energy, that can put us down and prevent us from achieving our goals and living life to the fullest. We have to not only remove it but we must replace these negative paths of thinking with positive and more enriched and educated methods of thinking. This will not only help to remove current clutter but will help to improve your life in the long term as well. Happiness and success start with clear and healthy mindfulness.
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The House in Bloom
By: Judy Spours
Nature and décor become one with traditional floral chintz and silverware hammered into fruit and vegetable shapes. Delphinium blue, lemon yellow, lavender, and rich earth tones can inspire a truly organic decorating scheme. Three-dimensional textiles have insect and leaf patterns “trapped” in their weave. It’s a celebration of outdoor shapes and forms. [From Amazon.]
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