New Bridge Links Parks and People on Future Riverwalk

A bike/pedestrian bridge over Main Street, connecting Glass City Metropark and International Park in East Toledo, is officially open!
Metroparks Commissioner Lera Doneghy and East Toledo Family Center Executive Director Jodi Gross cut the ribbon this morning. Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz, TMACOG vice-president for transportation Dave Gedeon and Metroparks Commission Kevin Dalton were speakers at a small gathering hosted by Executive Director Dave Zenk. Members of the Toledo Roadrunners then ran across the new span.
"Building bridges is a theme in this era of Metroparks history," Dave Zenk said. "As the park system turns 94 years old August 1, we are well underway with the largest project in our agency’s history -- Glass City Riverwalk, which will connect six neighborhoods and both sides of the Maumee River.
"But I’m also talking about building bridges as a metaphor," Dave continued. "We are working every day to connect people and parks."
The 110 ft. long by 20 ft. wide, tied-arch style bridge was designed by SmithGroup and constructed by Moser Construction, and 80 percent of the cost was paid for with a nearly $1 million federal grant secured by TMACOG.