October Big Day

Help Metroparks and Black Swamp Bird Observatory celebrate “The BIG Day!” on Saturday, October 8, 8 to 10 a.m. by participating in one of the birder led outings being held at Manhattan Marsh, Howard Marsh, Pearson, Wildwood, and Oak Openings Preserve Metropark. Sightings from these events will be submitted to eBird as part of the actual fall migration count data for northwest Ohio in support of this fun and important community science effort. No birding experience necessary, and a limited number of binoculars and field guides will be available for use.
BIG days are a 24-hour opportunity to celebrate and enjoy birds. From 12 am to 12 am, take a few minutes and participate from anywhere. Report an owl calling in your neighborhood or document the birds visiting your backyard feeders. Your eBird checklists will join thousands from around the world to help better understand global bird populations. Consider being a part of the team helping to set a new record for October birding!
For more information on how to post your own bird sightings, visit eBird.
Reservations Required, Free
- Manhattan Marsh, parking lot [Register]
- Howard Marsh, parking lot [Register]
- Pearson, parking lot #4 [Register]
- Wildwood Preserve, Metz Visitor Center [Register]
- Oak Openings Preserve, Mallard Lake parking lot [Register]