Wild Turkeys Are Everywhere
Ohio’s largest gamebird can be viewed almost everywhere, nowadays – woodlands, prairies and even areas of suburbia. Seen and heard in just about in every Metropark and sometimes frequenting the Windows on Wildlife at Wildwood and Swan Creek Preserve in the city, a wild turkey could soon be visiting a backyard feeding station near you.
Some birds have become accustomed to humans and have no problem proudly marching up to a low hanging bird feeder looking for cracked corn.
In the wild, acorns, other seeds, fruits, berries and insects make up much of the turkey’s diet. In fact, part of the reason for its huge population decline in the 19th Century was a result of deforestation. Loss of mature oak forests also resulted in fewer acorns as a food source.
Turkey conservation efforts in the late 20th century – such as Ohio re-introductions, today are celebrated as success stories and the turkey has gobbled its way back into our landscape in both natural and man-made habitats.
On your next fall or winter visit to a Metropark, watch closely for single turkeys or a whole feeding flock. This time of year, these beautiful animals are easy to see and hear strutting across the dried fallen leaves.