Metroparks are patrolled by a professional staff of park rangers who are certified Ohio peace officers. Members of the Volunteer Trail Patrol walk the parks in pairs to provide customer service to park visitors while being additional eyes and ears for the law enforcement officers. Park rangers have long embraced the concept of community policing– partnering with communities and park visitors to ensure everyone has a positive experience when visiting a Metropark.
In an emergency call 911.
To contact the ranger on duty at any park call 419-407-9718.
To contact the ranger on duty at any park call 419-407-9718 and follow the prompts below:
Press #1 To leave a message for Customer Service regarding facility rentals or programs.
Press #2 for Oak Openings Preserve, Providence, Wabash Cannonball Trail and Blue Creek
Press #3 for Pearson, Middlegrounds, Manhattan Marsh, Howard Marsh and Glass City
Press #4 for Swan Creek, Side Cut, Fallen Timbers/ Fort Miamis and Toledo Botanical Garden
Press #5 for Wildwood Preserve, Secor, Westwinds, Wiregrass and University Parks Trail
Lost something in a Metropark? Please contact the ranger on duty (phone numbers listed on each park’s web page), or contact us by email. Please give a description of the item, the date and location (name of park) where it was lost and other information that might help to locate it.
How Are We Doing?
Metroparks welcomes your feedback on the performance of our Ranger staff. Please click here to share concerns and/or compliments regarding our Rangers. We appreciate your help in providing clean, safe, natural parks for our community.
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Metroparks takes steps reduce risk of W. Nile virus from mosquitoes.
Warmer weather and rain create conditions for ticks to thrive. Know how to take precautions against ticks for you and your pets with the following advice from the Metroparks staff. Prime time for ticks in Ohio is April through September.