Shelter Building

Primitive shelter building gets students up close and personal with nature. They will experience te importance of energy conservation, heat transfer, and understand the basic needs of living things.

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Ohio Learning Standards:

Kindergarten: K.LS.1, K.LS.2

1st Grade: 1.ESS.1, 1.LS.1

2nd Grade: 2.ESS.1, 2.LS.1

3rd Grade: 3.ESS.1, 3.ESS.2, 3.ESS.3

4th Grade: 4.PS.2, 4.LS.1

5th Grade: 5.PS.1, 5.LS.2

6th Grade: 6.ESS.5

7th Grade: 7.LS.1, 7.LS.2

8th Grade: 8.ESS.3, 8.LS.1

High School: PS.EW.4: Thermal Energy, B.DI.1: Biodiversity (Species diversity)

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